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The right pellet makes all the difference.

We act sustainably: our material is made from post-consumer and industrial waste of European origin, ensuring shorter transportation and lower logistical emissions.

A new life for your plastic.

Some of your everyday life objects that our recycled plastic can be turned into.

The use of state-of-the-art equipment, combined with a meticulous process of sorting and intensive washing, demonstrates a serious commitment to producing high-quality material.

This level of precision and control in production not only results in a high-quality product but also instills confidence in our customers regarding the consistency and reliability of our recycled material.

A new life for your plastic.

Some of your everyday life objects that our recycled plastic can be turned into.

The use of state-of-the-art equipment, combined with a meticulous process of sorting and intensive washing, demonstrates a serious commitment to producing high-quality material.

This level of precision and control in production not only results in a high-quality product but also instills confidence in our customers regarding the consistency and reliability of our recycled material.

A new life for your plastic.

Some of your everyday life objects that our recycled plastic can be turned into.

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